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The Makita hammer drill It is powerful, suitable for professional use, The aluminum body is suitable for intensive use.
Drill designed for all types of professionals, It can be used in all sectors of construction and production, excellent model of drill: robust, manageable, versatile and long-lasting.
This hammer drill is made of aluminum and provides excellent heat dissipation to avoid overheating, chuck steel, electronic speed and quality of percussion.
With a single tool can drilling metals wood and steel, masonry and reinforced concrete, and thanks to the great power can be are using on how screwdriver Also for screwing wood screws of large sizes such as those used for assembling roofs.
Troncatrice pianetto 305mm 1600w
motore universale a spazzole
sistema di tracciatura xps
diametro lama/foro 305/30mm
3300 giri/min, angolatura piano a troncare 50° dx/sx
inclinazione max testa 48° dx
capacitá di taglio ang. 90°/incl. 90° 160x85mm
capacitá di taglio ang. 90°/incl. 90° 25x120mm
capacitá di taglio ang. 45°/incl. 90° 160x55mm
capacitá di taglio ang. 90°/incl. 45° 110x85mm
capacità di taglio ang. 45°/incl. 45° 155x55mm
max capacità di taglio con pianetto 51mm, 19.5kg.
Equipment: lama 60 teeth, protezione lama con aspirazione, guida parallela per pianetto, spingipezzo, chiavi di servizio, clamp.