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When’ stove with us we give you the rebates up to 50%
The other half thanks to BONUS TAX 50%Contact us for more information. Tel.: +39.0437.770176
or send us an email: I want to know more »Features: • Rivestimento esterno in acciaio porcellanato • Porta fuoco panoramica con doppio vetro • Forno smaltato da 41 litri con porta a doppio vetro • Telaio in ghisa vetrificata • Centrino e cerchi in ghisa levigata • Facciata in ghisa verniciata G20 • Focolare in ghisa G20 • Cassettone porta-legna • Piedini per agevolare pulizia
Piano cottura in acciaio o vetroceramica, certificato per la cottura
Frontale porta in vetro serigrafato nero
Ventilazione forzata con possibilità di escluderla d’estate
Cassetto frontale estraibile per il caricamento pellet
10 (5+5) potenze di funzionamento
Display con menù a 6 lingue
Cassetto cenere estraibile per recupero ceneri
Scarico fumi superiore – back
Termostato di sicurezza
Predisposizione termostato esterno
Pressostato di sicurezza
Cronotermostato -
Wood Stove coated
in maiolica artigianale
or colored steelMeasurements: The 82 – P 55 – H 85 cm
m³ heated: 153 max
Power: introduced 8,6 kW – nominal 6,4 kW
Heat output: 71,5%
Weight: 109-100 kg
Height Floor: 4 cm
Fuel Type: wood
Flue above: Ø 12 cm
Consumption orario: 1,8 kg
Furnace sizes: The 30 – P 38 – H 22 cm
Measures mouth fire: The 18 – H 14 cm
Volume imballo: 0,55 m³ -
KOOK is the new range of wood stoves offered by Cadel; the modern lines and materials, such as stainless steel, combine with an ancient way of cooking and traditional.
To return, cleaning the combustion and safety, KOOK range complies with the strictest international standards
KOOK90 expands the space available for cooking with a plan 90x60cm, keeping mounting compatibility with the standard modules built or the possibility of free installation
The structure is in stainless steel while the combustion chamber is that the stove is made of cast iron; the result is a heater which heats up quickly and that keeps the heat longer even when the flame is extinguished.